Monday, September 5, 2011

Rainy Day Bliss

A perfect rainy day up here provided time to do perfect-rainy-day things!  I'm giving thanks for:

Sly snoozes in his cradle that will not fit him much longer ...

*staying home all day with my baby boy
*And staying in our jammies until NOON!
*walks outside in the rain, with Sly bundled inside my rain coat
*many cups of hot tea drank
*many cookies eaten (oooops!)
*reading and resting
*home-ade turkey and rice soup for lunch
*"catching" almost all of Sly's potty times
*clean laundry and a clean living room!
*a chance to make Elder berry syrup in preparation for winter colds
*also, a batch of nettle ginger soda was made
*a silly yoga practice with my giggly boy
*jazz music and play time (for the littles of the house) when Papa Bear came home
*delicious dinner of friend-grown veggies, fresh baked bread, and a pear tart!

Stevie wants to go out side just to make sure that, yes, it is still raining.  And then be let quickly back inside.

I hope the rain brings clearing and cozyness to all of you out there that get to enjoy it!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! It is so great to 'meet' you- live your blog and your vibe- and your baby's name- so cute!
    That is a wonderful list of gratitude! I have never made a pear tart but sure love eating them!
    I will be back! All the best- Ren


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