Sunday, September 25, 2011

Thank Full

To begin the week in gratitude, I offer thanks that:

.:baby Sly got to enjoy time with his Grandparents this weekend
.:the first weekend of Autumn was beautiful and leaves are just beginning to change
.:Papa Bear was off of work on a Saturday!  A rare treat!
.:I have friends who remind me that when I say "no" to one thing, I am saying "yes" to something else
.:my old-fashioned Campbell's soup mug has been filled daily for a week with delicious soups
.:I received a scholarship to attend a Doula Training this week!
.:my almost-4-month-old baby can hold his head up so well that he now rides on my back in the Ergo!

Sowing my seeds of intention for the week ahead in soil of gratitude

1 comment:

  1. A Beautiful Life. Seems like you have excellent karma. All things are falling gracefully into your sweet motherly lap. It seems to me that you have found your dharma. It is so wonderful. Katie x


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