Saturday, December 29, 2012

here's to:

here's to the Dark:
winter wind howling like the souls relentless desire to know it's self....

cold, cold rain, ice and snow....

asking the Hard Questions...



incubating, resting, being....

quiet loudness.

A Long Winter's Nap.

here's to the Light:

fire-side warmth,

and loving companionship.

satisfaction of work 

and time well-spent.

Ability to Choose.

a promise of fertility ...

planning ...

gratitude ...

this Shining-Angel of a son our family is blessed with.

and the glorious Light found within the Dark:
(there's is so much of this when we just look for it)

bright, white reflection of moon and stars on snow ...

a chance to refine my desires,

or another opportunity for growth,

(with grumbles, tears or laughter).


beauty and simplicity in days spent at home,

and the giggles of a toddler hiding under the covers,

or tickled again and again.

winter celebrations ...

a call to meditation...

Wishing you the wisdom that all is exactly as it should be, wether dark or light ... we can always be reminded of this, yes?  I know I can.  Here's to being where we are, where ever that is.

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